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Chemistry: Find Articles

Key Resources: Chemistry

What the icons mean

Is there full text?

 = full text available
 = limited full text or abstracts only

Source details:

 = open access (no login required)
UALC icon = provided by Utah Academic Library Consortium
 = statistics
 = U.S. Government source


 = Media: audio, video, images
 = MS Word
 = MS Excel
 = PDF

Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary Loan enables current SUU students, faculty, and staff to request books or receive electronic copies of articles that are available from other libraries.

To use Interlibrary Loan, from the library homepage, scroll down and click on Interlibrary Loan under Using the Library.

  • If you've searched the Library Catalog and discover the SUU library doesn't have the book you need. Book requests will be delivered in approximately one week of request.
  • If you've searched the Full Text Finder or Find Journals by Title for a journal that has an article you want and find that the SUU library doesn't have access to that journal. Articles will be delivered as electronic (pdf) copies to your Interlibrary Loan account, usually within a few days.