Finding Books
The easiest way to find books it to use the Library's Catalog, which searching all the physical holdings as well as the ebook collection.
Edited Volumes
Edited Volumes are books on one theme that are written by more than one author, usually each chapter is an essay written by a different group of authors, and have the editor listed as the main author or contributor. You search for them the say way you would search for books, there is no special way to search for just them. The skill is to recognize them as you look through your catalog search results.
Finding Articles
There are several recommended databases and journals that have sources about culture and anthropology:
- Search the Academic Search Ultimate or SocINDEX database for newspaper, magazine and journal articles:
- Do a keyword search, e.g., inuit and subsistence
- Limit results to Magazines or Newspapers for recent articles
- Limit results to Academic Journals or Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals for research articles with references
- Examine the full text of of a journal (click the PDF Full Text link) and examine References at the end of the article for additional resources for your topic.
- Search JSTOR for back issues of academic journals.
- Do a keyword search or choose Browse and choose Anthropology under Social Sciences.
- At Search Results choose Journals, Books or Pamphlets
- Refine large search results by adding keywords to your search
- Search Google Scholar
- Link to SUU Library in the settings to see instantly what is available at the SUU Library
- Menu > Settings > Library Links > Search Southern Utah University
- If any of the articles you find are not available in full text at the SUU library, then order them through Interlibrary Loan.
Internet Resources
Encyclopedia Entries
- Reference books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, yearbooks, statistics, and atlases can be found in the Reference Collection on the First Floor. Anthropology reference books will be at the GN call number. To find anthropology reference books using the Library Catalog, select Books and eBooks Catalog, type the keyword anthropology then select More Options and then check Reference Books in the Item Type window, then click Search.
- Search the Gale Virtual Reference Library, with encyclopedias covering the fields of Business, Multicultural Studies, Nation and World, and Social Science.
- Search the Oxford Reference Online, with access to reference sources in all disciplines. Click Advanced Search to search by subject; click Subjects & Books to search individual titles.
Search Everything
The SUU library has implemented a search engine that enables searching the entire collection in one search. It is available in the Search Everything tab on the main page.
- Click on the Search Everything tab on the main page.
- Click on the link to the EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) to search books, ebooks, articles, archives, etc., all at once.
- It searches like Academic Search Ultimate, use the filters on the left toolbar to limit to the source type you need.