Most article databases will have a link to generate a citation for selected articles. E.g.:
EBSCO databases: e.g., Education Full Text
- Click article title or the HTML or PDF Full Text links in the Results list
- Click the Cite icon in the right panel
- Choose APA format
- Copy/paste citation. Check for exact formatting and punctuation. Provided citations are not always correct.
- While viewing the article, click the book icon in the bar above the article.
Follow these steps to get APA formatted citations from EBSCO databases:
- On the Article Results page click on the title of the article
- On the Detailed Record page click Cite in the Tools panel to the right
- Copy the APA citation
- Proofread to ensure there are no mistakes

Free Citation Generators
- Google Scholar
Click Cite link under article information.
- KnightCite
Maintained by Calvin College, this site generates citations in MLA, APA (ed. 6 only), and Chicago formats.
- NCSU Citation Generator
Citation builder maintained by North Carolina State University (APA ed. 6 only) .
- Citation Machine
Uses a web form to generate citations in MLA, APA, Chicago and Turabian formats.
Online Citation Generator and Manager. Note Cite/Export link at top of record.
- Zotero
Free Reference Management Software that must be downloaded to your computer. It allows the researcher to collect, organize, cite and collaborate on research. Also has a free, easy-to-use browser extension to help you collect, manage, and cite your research sources.