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Art History: Research Help

Welcome to the Art History Research Guide!

This guide is to help you get a jumpstart on Art History Research by giving an overview of what Art History resources are available in the Library, along with some quick tips on how to find and use them. This resource guide was created in support of the SUU Art History Major and Minor.

Eva unpublished this guide 9/13/23 because it was so similar to the Art libguide. I combined any missing info over there.


Sherratt Library provides access to a number of databases on a wide range of subjects. Below is a list of databases with content related to Art History:

Other Online Resources


Periodicals and Serials

Although many of the journals and annuals we have in Sherratt Library are available in electronic form, sometimes a print copy is the only way to go. Below is a list of periodicals and serials we have in print and electronic formats. (Note: Print copies of periodicals are housed in the collapsible shelves on the first level, organized alphabetically by title, where serials are in the book shelves, organized by call number, like books).

Books and eBooks

At Sherratt Library we use the Library of Congress Classification (LCC) system to organize the items on our shelves. These call "numbers"  (they're really letters)  on the spines are used for most of our items, including print books and ebooks. Below is a list of call numbers that relate to Art (browsing these sections in the shelves on the 2nd level, or 3rd level for oversized items, can reveal resources you never knew you needed)!

Click any of the links below to see a PDF of more complete breakdowns for each number at the Library of Congress. And remember, while items in these sections may include historical contexts, there are history items that may also include cultural perspectives on art, artists, and movements.

N Visual arts
NA Architecture
NB Sculpture
NC Drawing. Design. Illustration
ND Painting
NE Print media
NK Decorative arts
NX Arts in general


TR Photography
TS Manufactures
TT Handicrafts. Arts and crafts


Z Books (General). Writing. Paleography. Book industries and trade. Libraries. Bibliography

Librarian for Art History

Profile Photo
Matt Nickerson
435-586-1955 (office)