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Information Literacy & Library Research: Find Journal by Title

Information literacy is the ability to know when information is needed and to be able to identify, locate and evaluate, and then legally and responsibly use and share that information.

Help to Find Journal by Title: Searching names of Journals, Magazines, Newspapers at SUU

Section Three C: Find Books and Articles - Locating Journals - Find Journal by Title

When should you use the Find Journal by Title Tool?

The Find Journal by Title tool locates electronic and print journals, magazines, or newspapers owned by the SUU Library. Searching for a journal, magazine, or newspaper title in the Find Journal by Title tool tells you if the library has access to the periodical, in which database it can be found, and gives you a link to the database to find the article you need.

NOTE: The Find Journal by Title tool does NOT find articles, to find articles in a journal, magazine, or newspaper, use the Article and Journals page located on the SUU Library website

How to use the Find Journal by Title tool

  1. At the bottom of the Sherratt Library homepage click View all Sherratt Library Links (by category).
  2. Click the Find Journal by Title link under Using the Library.
  3. Using the Find Journal by Title tool, search for the periodical title, not for your article title.


image of Find Journal by Title page with text entry box displayed


image of the process for using the Find Journal by Title tool

4. If the library owns or can access the title the results will indicate which database has the article, or if it is available in the print Journals Collection.

5. If you click on the database link you will link to the details for all issues of the journal in the database. For example, if you click on Academic Search Premier you will see the Publication Details page for the Journal of Popular Culture where you can choose which issue you need in the right column. This page is also a handy way to see if the periodical is peer reviewed:

6. Your final step: