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Construction Management: Find construction . . .

Construction Journals (articles)

Construction Standards

Browse the shelves (Engineering)

Sometimes wandering the shelves is useful. If you can find one book on a topic, others like it will be sitting close by on the same shelf.  Be sure to look at both the Reference collection on the first floor for general helps like encyclopedias, and at the circulating collection on the second floor for books you can take with you


Class T   Technology

   T201-342    Patents. Trademarks

subclass TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)

TA174+ Engineering design

TA401+ Materials of engineering and construction. Mechanics of materials

TA703+ Engineering geology. Rock mechanics. Soil mechanics.

Underground construction

subclass TC Hydraulic engineering

TC530+ River protective works. Regulation. Flood control

TC801+ Irrigation engineering. Reclamation of wasteland. Drainage

subclass TD Environmental technology. Sanitary Engineering

TD201+ Water supply

TD511+ Sewage collection and disposal systems. Sewarage

subclass TE Highway engineering. Roads and pavements

subclass TF Railroad engineering

subclass TG-TH Bridge engineering

subclass TN Mining engineering. Metallurgy

subclass TS Manufactures

And subclasses TR (photography), TT (handicrafts), TX (home economics)

Construction books (print/ebook)